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本体・フリル 綿100%

フリル一部 綿100%


Body/Frill part 100%cotton

part of the frill 100%cotton









A blouse with a silhouette that looks like a chandelier.

The large frills create a voluminous feel, creating a cute mode design.

Cotton jersey is used for some of the frills.

The curling, which is a characteristic of the material, is also incorporated into the design.

This item has sleeves about 3 cm shorter than pink, yellow-

green and black.

The hem is a random scalar.

It is an item that goes well with a voluminous bottom.




Colours and textures may differ depending on your operating environment.



Please be sure to read “Attention” before purchasing.

Blouse de Bonbon Black Gingham

SKU : TR21S-BL003-BW
38 500¥Prix
TVA Incluse
  • 毎月15日までと末日までが受注期間となります

    Every month, until the 15th and the last day will be the ordering period

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