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本体1/フリル     綿100%
本体2/フリル     ポリエステル100%

フリル  ナイロン100%

フリル  綿98%/ポリエステル1%/ナイロン1%


Body part 1/Frill  100% Cotton
Body part 2/Frill 100% Polyester

Frill part 1 100% Nylon

Frill part 2 98% Cotton/1% Polyester/1% Nylon



『Manteau de Roseraie 』とは同型ですが、全く異なる見え方のモノトーンのアイテムです。



This black coat is like a star-filled sky.
This gorgeous yet chic coat has a black organdie base with plenty of frills sewn in various materials.
It is the same model as "Manteau de Roseraie," but it is a monotone item with a completely different look.

Since it takes a lot of time to manufacture this item, it will take about 60 days from the date of order.




Colours and textures may differ depending on your operating environment.



Please be sure to read “Attention” before purchasing.



All products photographed here are samples. You may find slight differences in actual products.

Manteau de Briller

SKU: TR23S-CT001
  • 毎月15日までと末日までが受注期間となります

    Every month, until the 15th and the last day will be the ordering period

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