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本体   綿100%

別布1  ポリエステル100%

別布2  ナイロン100%

Body part   100% Cotton

Other part 1  100% Polyester

Other part 2  100% Nylon




100% Nylon


※このアイテムはTR23S-SK006(タータン&ゴールド刺繍スカート)とTR23S- SK007(チュールスカート)のセット商品です。




This two-ply gathered skirt is made of red tartan check and tulle overlaid with gold lame embroidered lace.The cotton tartan check with the right amount of bounce gives the skirt volume, while the gold lame lace overlaid on top adds glamour, making it an item that can be worn casually or elegantly, depending on how you coordinate it.

The tulle skirt overlaying the back is independent and can be combined with other items.




Colours and textures may differ depending on your operating environment.



Please be sure to read “Attention” before purchasing.



All products photographed here are samples. You may find slight differences in actual products.

Tartan with Gold Embroidery Lace Skirt

SKU: TR23S-SK006
  • 毎月15日までと末日までが受注期間となります

    Every month, until the 15th and the last day will be the ordering period

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